Workfront: The Best Project and Work Management Software
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Workfront: The Best Project and Work Management Software review
- Fits smoothly into any Adobe Cloud system
- Excellent stakeholder engagement with members and guess accounts. Allowing many ways to let the right stakeholder view and edit the info they need to
- Tracking and time management of all work types, helping to automate the reminders and monitoring of large complex projects.
- Scalable to work for small creative teams or large creative teams
- Although Workfront can connect to any type of system that supports integration, you will get the best function and smart integration if you already use Adobe.
Workfront Quick Info

Yes API is supported

Mobile platforms supported:
Android, iOS

Free Trial Supported:
No Trial Offered
What is Workfront?
An enterprise level Work Management platform that connects seamlessly to Adobe Creative Cloud and beyond.
Adobe Workfront is a leading Work Management tool that has extremely functional and smart connections within the world of Adobe. Adobe Coldfusion, Creative Cloud and the recently launched Workfront One. All areas to support a large and engaging marketing campaign.
So where Smartsheet may support large government agencies with strong security and sheet views, Workfront brings together all your amazing content within Adobe and makes monitoring, launching and replicating successful marketing and sales campaigns a lot easier.
Often here at Total Software Info, we have worked with organisations looking to run successful marketing campaigns and they often left in the back. There systems don’t connect with IT or Finance, they may be constantly following up emails and different Trello boards to manage a range of stakeholders. And often when Total Software Info come to the rescue, the team as already well underway and running campaigns and have hit realisation that the current process is not working smoothly.
With Workfront you can set up your access levels, break the work into projects, portfolios, customers or whatever works best. You can then set up access with stakeholders from admins, reviewers, requesters and external parties.
Then internally using Workfront One you are able to bring all the resources together.
Workfront also support the use of Adobe Workfront DAM, a native Digital Asset Management system that can store all your digital assets in a single location and make them available for campaigns and brand control.
Have a look at the Total Software Info that we have gathers on Adobe Workfront and see if this is the ideal work management solution for your business!
Workfront Best Features

Workfront Best For
What do the team here at Total Software Info think are the best use cases for Workfront.

Workfront Best Features:
- Work Management
Working with Adobe Creative Cloud
Assigning to-do lists and more
Planning and budgeting within marketing teams, often spread across sectors

Workfront Best Industries:
- Marketing
Social Media
Web Agency
Information Technology
Workfront Tools Features
Defining goals and strategies and linking work to them
Collaborating with a range of teams
Use of API into Adobe landscape with ColdFusion and Adobe Cloud
Dashboards with many options to display data and progress, connected to goals, strategies, projects, tasks and more
Managing budgets and time of team members and stakeholders
What is Workfront?
An enterprise level Work Management platform that connects seamlessly to Adobe Creative Cloud and beyond.
Adobe Workfront is a leading Work Management tool that has extremely functional and smart connections within the world of Adobe. Adobe Coldfusion, Creative Cloud and the recently launched Workfront One. All areas to support a large and engaging marketing campaign.
So where Smartsheet may support large government agencies with strong security and sheet views, Workfront brings together all your amazing content within Adobe and makes monitoring, launching and replicating successful marketing and sales campaigns a lot easier.
Often here at Total Software Info, we have worked with organisations looking to run successful marketing campaigns and they often left in the back. There systems don’t connect with IT or Finance, they may be constantly following up emails and different Trello boards to manage a range of stakeholders. And often when Total Software Info come to the rescue, the team as already well underway and running campaigns and have hit realisation that the current process is not working smoothly.
With Workfront you can set up your access levels, break the work into projects, portfolios, customers or whatever works best. You can then set up access with stakeholders from admins, reviewers, requesters and external parties.
Then internally using Workfront One you are able to bring all the resources together.
Workfront also support the use of Adobe Workfront DAM, a native Digital Asset Management system that can store all your digital assets in a single location and make them available for campaigns and brand control.
Have a look at the Total Software Info that we have gathers on Adobe Workfront and see if this is the ideal work management solution for your business!
Workfront Pricing Info
Workfront Package Pricing Based on License Types, Currencies, Duration:
License types and prices:
- Adobe Workfront are flexible with pricing, and this is often reflected in what other Adobe products you have. If you are a Adobe Creative Cloud customer you may expect to get a discount.
The following plans exist for Adobe Workfront:
Enterprise: Contact for pricing
Business: Contact for pricing
Pro: Contact for pricing
Currencies available:
Can Workfront have a range of licenses?
Adobe Workfront are flexible with pricing, and this is often reflected in what other Adobe products you have. If you are a Adobe Creative Cloud customer you may expect to get a discount.The following plans exist for Adobe Workfront:
Enterprise: Contact for pricing
Business: Contact for pricing
Pro: Contact for pricing
Does Workfront have a trial?
Status: Free TrialTrial duration:
Are you interested in a trial forClick here to try Workfront.
Contract duration
We find it is important to know how long the contract options are,
this helps with financial planning when procuring software.
The current contract duration
options for Workfront are:
Learn more about "Workfront: The Best Project and Work Management Software"
Here at Total Software Info we work with some leading training partners that can help you gain more knowledge and skills to better understand "Workfront: The Best Project and Work Management Software".
As we are a team of keen learners, we can be honest and say that every day we learn new things. And the more we learn, the better we feel and can be adaptable in today's most ever changing environments.
So if you are interested in learning, growing, become a more profitable person. Check out the providers below and get the total info that you need!

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Specification: Workfront: The Best Project and Work Management Software
Integration | ||||||||||||||||
Customization | ||||||||||||||||
Mobile | ||||||||||||||||
Community | ||||||||||||||||
User Management | ||||||||||||||||
Services | ||||||||||||||||
Solution Delivery | ||||||||||||||||
Pricing | ||||||||||||||||
Security | ||||||||||||||||
Workfront Company Overview
Company Name | Adobe |
Year Founded: | 2001 |
Stock Market | Private |
Revenue | $12.9 billion |
Revenue Year | 2020 |
Valuation | $271 Billion |
Number of Employees | 22516 |
Office Locations | San Jose, California, United States Lehi, USA Yerevan. Armenia Mannheim, Germany. Basingstoke, United Kingdom |
Key People | Scott Johnson - Founder of Workfront SHantanu Narayen - CEO of Adobe who purchased Workfront in 2020 |
Workfront Frequently Asked Questions
Customer Type:
Industry Type:
Workfront has the following user interface customizations:
Workfront supports the layout template, which will allow you to alter labels on some objects and this will show throughout your Workfront subscription.
Areas where the changes will be replicated are:
Main Menu
All areas accessed from the Main Menu
All tabs
All menus
Report Builder and reporting elements (views, filters and groupings)
Save buttons
Exported files
Mobile Apps
Workfront has the following workflow customizations:
Workfront supports the use of a featured called Automated Workflow. This Automated Workflow allows you to configure a template to determine what you will do in the workflow and who receives what. You need to have an Adobe Workfront License of Work or higher to use this feature.
Workfront has the following report customizations:
Workfront has a very power reports and dashboards area. There are a range of components that can be configured and you can set them as views, filters and groupings.
Does Workfront support creation of new objects:
Workfront does not allow new objects to be created. However they have a very comprehensive object list available within the platform that should cover all areas required.
The API Explorer is where all the objects sit within Workfront. Workfront supports parent objects such as Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks and many more. Then child objects sit within these parent objects.
So for example. The Portfolio object can contain Programs, Projects, Documents, Notes and Users.
Then say the Tasks object, which can also be a child of Portfolios, can then contain its own range of child objects like Issues, Children Tasks, Documents, Notes, Hours and Users.
Here is a list of commonly used ones:
G Suite
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Experience Manager
Google Drive
Microsoft Onedrive
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Sharepoint
Workfront has the following native integrations available:
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Experience Manager
Google Drive
Microsoft Onedrive
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Sharepoint
Below we have our info of API options for Workfront
API Auth Methods:
OAuth2|API Key|Access Token
API Objects Accessible:The Objects in Workfront and organized by area. The areas are Project, Tasks, Issues, Users and Documents.
This is the full exhaustive list of Objects accessible in Workfront. As you can see, there are heaps!
Access Level (ACSLVL)
Access Request (ACSREQ)
Access Rule (ACSRUL)
AccessLevelPermissions (ALVPER)
AccessRulePreference (ARPREF)
Acknowledgement (ACK)
ActivityLog (ACTLOG)
Announcements (ANCMNT)
AnnouncementAttachment (ANMATT)
AnnouncementRecipient (ANCREC)
APIVersionMetadata (APIVMD)
Approval (APPROVAL)
Approvals / Approval Path (ARVPTH)
Approval Process (ARVPRC)
Approval Status (ARVSTS)
Approval Step (ARVSTP)
Assignment (ASSGN)
Avatar / Photo (AVATAR)
AuditLoginAsSession (AUDS)
AwaitingApproval (AWAPVL)
BackgroundJob (BKGJOB)
Baseline (BLIN)
Baseline Task (BSTSK)
Billing Record (BILL)
BreadCrumb (BCRUMB)
BudgetedHour (BGHR)
BurndownEvent / Iteration Event (BDNEVT)
Calendar (CALPTL)
CalendarSection (CALSEC)
CalendarEntry (CALENT)
CalendarEntryExternalReference (CEEREF)
Category (CTGY)
CategoryAccessRule (CATACR)
CategoryCascadeRule (CTCSRL)
CategoryCascadeRuleMatch (CTCSRM)
CategoryParameter (CTGYPA)
CategoryParameterExpression (CTGPEX)
Company (CMPY)
ContextSensitiveHelp (CXTHP)
CustomEnum (CSTEM)
CustomLabel (LTMCL)
Custom Quarter (CSTQRT)
Customer (CUST)
CustomerPreferences (CUSTPR)
Dashboard (PTLTAB)
Diagnostic (DIAG)
DocMetadataLink (DMETAL)
DocMetadataLinkGroup (DMETAG)
Document Approval (DOCAPL)
Document Folders (DOCFDR)
DocumentRequest (DOCREQ)
Document Version (DOCV)
Endorsement (ENDR)
EndorsementShare (ENDSHR)
EwsFileHandle (EWS)
ExchangeRate (EXRATE)
Expense (EXPNS)
Expense Type (EXPTYP)
ExternalAuthToken (AUTHTK)
ExternalProviderConfig (EXTCFG)
External Section (EXTSEC)
Favorite (FVRITE)
Filter (UIFT)
Financial Data (FINDAT)
Group (GROUP)
Grouping (UIGB)
Hour (HOUR)
Hour Type (HOURT)
Iteration (ITRN)
Job Role (ROLE)
JournalEntry (JRNLE)
Kanban Board (KNBNBD)
Layout Template (Workfront Classic) (LYTMPL)
UI Template / Layout Template (New Workfront experience) (UITMPL)
License Type Group Limit (LTGLMT)
Like (LIKE)
LinkedFolder (LNKFDR)
LoginAsAccessRule (LGACRL)
LoginAsAdditionalRule (LGAARL)
LoginAsSettings (LGASET)
MessageArg (MSGARG)
Mile / Milestone (MILE)
Milestone Path (MPATH)
NonWorkDay (NONWKD)
Note / Notification (NOTE)
NoteTag (NTAG)
ObjectCategory (OBJCAT)
Parameter (PARAM)
ParameterDescriptiveText / Descriptive Text (PRMDTX)
Parameter Group (PGRP)
ParameterOption (POPT)
PortalSectionLastViewer (PLSLSV)
PortalSectionStatisticInfo (PLSVST)
PortalTabSection (PRTBSC)
Portfolio (PORT)
Predecessor (PRED)
Program (PRGM)
ProjectUser (PRTU)
ProjectUserRole (PTEAM)
Proof (PROOF)
Proof Action (PRFACT)
Proof Approval (PRFAPL)
ProofApprovalStatus (PRFAS)
ProofFileMetadata (PRFMD)
Queue (QUED)
Queue Topic (QUET)
QueueTopicGroup (QUETGP)
Report / Portal Section (PTLSEC)
Rate / Billing Rate (RATE)
Recent (RECENT)
ReportFolder (RPTFDR)
ReportableBudgetedHour / Budgeted Hour (RPBGHR)
ReservedTime / Time Off (RESVT)
Resource Allocation (RSALLO)
ResourceContour (RSCONT)
ResourceManager (RESMGR)
Resource Pool (RSPOOL)
Resource Pools (RSPL)
Resource Planner Filter (RPFL)
RichTextNote (RHNOTE)
RichTextParameterValue (RCHVAL)
Risk (RISK)
Risk Type (RSKTYP)
Routing Rule (RRUL)
Schedule (SCHED)
ScheduledReport (SCHREP)
Score (SCORE)
ScoreCardAnswer (SCANS)
ScoreCardOption (SCOPT)
Scorecard Question (SCOREQ)
SearchEvent (SRCEVT)
StepApprover (SPAPVR)
Subscribe / Subscription (SUBSCR)
Team Member (TEAMMB)
Team Stories / Agile Stories (AGLEWK)
Template (TMPL)
TemplateAssignment (TASSGN)
TemplatePredecessor (TPRED)
Template Task (TTSK)
Template Team (TTEAM)
TemplateUser (TMTU)
Timesheet (TSHET)
Timesheet Profile (TSPRO)
Update (UPDATE)
UserActivity (USERAC)
UserAvailability (USRAVL)
UserDelegation (USRDEL)
UserGroups (USRGPS)
UserHomeCalendarPreference (UHCCFG)
UserNote (USRNOT)
UserObjectPref (USOP)
UserPrefValue (USERPF)
UserRole (USRROL)
View (UIVW)
Work (WORK)
Work Item (WRKITM)
API Cost:Free/Part of Existing Subscription
API Version:1
You can also have a good read of theAPI Documentation Here
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