About Us

Helping the world to find the best software.
The team here at Total Software Info have a wide range of experience working in the cloud and software landscape, covering projects from all over the globe.
We aim to have the best software review and comparison web platform in the world and help many companies and users to find the products to fulfil their software needs.
Software Astronaut

Our Software Astronaut has been living in space for years. Developing, reviewing, trialling, implementing and connecting the cloud to the universe all from his remote capsule tucked away in Wellington New Zealand. He has come into contact with Avatar on his journey as well as with other middle earth.
He had been floating around observing the universe connection points and understanding exactly how the stars have aligned through a complex configuration of multi-universe API-connected clouds that often reach the top of the troposphere. And really, it was time to come back down and help the earthlings prevail with software implementation. He also understands why the verses like metaverse have come to light, but not every software company can afford to rebrand and start again..so why not work some magic and start and stay strong.
With a passion for helping businesses to implement software, our Software Astronaut is the go-to source reviewer for Total Software Info.